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Mrs Bernice M Carnegie
Les Quatre Saisons, Chignat


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Price per night:

price from €65




Description for B&B:

The traditional farmhouse, built in 1802 and now tastefully renovated incorporating many original features, stands back from a quiet lane at the edge of the hamlet, Chignat and is surrounded by extensive gardens with barns to one side. The grounds (2 hectares) are beautifully landscaped with lots of magnificent trees, flowering shrubs and well kept lawns and meadows and, of course, a prolific vegetable garden.

The accommodation comprises five bedrooms- One double, one family room two twin bedded rooms and a single. Bernie is a professional cook and nothing less than 5 star 4 course meals are available in the evenings. Ingredients are, as far as possible, organic and sourced either from our own vegetable garden or locally. Breakfast is included in the room tariff- A good start to the day is important on holiday and you will find a choice including fruit juice, cereal, organic muesli, fresh fruit, yoghurt, croissants homemade bread and conserves, porridge in the colder weather and lots of coffee.

This is a small campsite 25 pitches on 5 acres of sloping meadow it has a wonderful variety of mature trees and shrubs and abundant bird life. (Bring your binoculars)There are electric hook ups for 6 caravans/camping cars. We also rent two large fully equipped trailer tents. We have first class sanitary facilities, including disabled shower and toilet. A reed bed system for waste water and a full recycling policy. There is a games room in one of our barns, a fridge and a washing machine


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Finding Chignat - For unknown reasons, Chignat is always spelt Chignal on maps so don't be confused. Once you get to Bourganeuf you will find a roundabout (there is only one), take the D37 then the D8 for Lac de Vassivière, stay on this road & after about 3 Km. you will see our blue signs directing you left. Follow the signs to Chignat and you will recognise our property by the distinctive gates.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
4 65 65 15
(3 pers.)
1 80
Holiday Home 1 250 250 5


Animals Allowed

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