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Gérard Riveau
Le Moulin Pointu
Sainte Nathalène


1 reviews

Price per night:

price from €80



Description for B&B:

We have 20 years expérience in the hospitality industry,

having owned & managed our restaurant, we now would like to welcome you to our bed & breakfast. The gite has 5

bedrooms, all very comfortable, each with private access.You will be able to enjoy culinary delights prépared with wholesome régional food if you choose to dine at the 'table d'hôte" in the gite. Whilst enjoying the

local sunshine you might like to take a dip in our swimming pool (12 m length) or in our pond. Our house is very close to the Gardens of Erignac and minutes away from the medieval lanes of Sarlat.


Appréciations pour Le Moulin Pointu, Sainte Nathalène:

Le Moulin Pointu
Review by: Labrude Denis, Jan 27 2010 5:56AM
Une petite merveille tant au point de vue du logement que des hôtes Nous le recommandons

c'est formidable et on y mange super bien!!!

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