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Isabelle Hausammann
Route de Toulon
Le Luc en Provence



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Price per night:

price from €145




Description for B&B:

La Grande Lauzade is an old Provencal house that was constructed in the XVIIIth century. It was built on the site of a former monastery whose origins date as far back as the XIIème century (and even before the year thousand, in Gallo-Roman times the site was already inhabited!).The original Monastry, large and wellknown throughout the région, was plundered and completely destroyed during the French Révolution, and then sold by the State as a National property.The house of today was built on the foundations, with the original stones. From farm to wine estate, Charming Guest House La Grande Lauzade b&b is steeped in history of its évolution through the centuries. Surrounded by the vines which still produce today the wine of Lauzade, the guest house offers you access to the different level of Gardens for your pleasure. A few steps down from the terrace, the pool deck lies under the "platane" trees nearby the 6p jacuzzi. The large cedar of the low garden provides protection from the sun.
Inside the House is a fitness room with power plate, sauna, and a billard lounge. In the old basement is our astonishing indoor heated pool.
This lovely "bastide" is located in the South of France, in Provence, near the beautiful and protected environment of " la plaine des Maures ", near the French Riviera as well as the picturesque and wild country in " le haut Var ".


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Guest House "La Grande Lauzade" is located south of France (Var), in Provence, on the road D(N)97, between Le Luc and Gonfaron near the beautiful Plaine des Maures. Access by car to our guest House is easy starting from highway A8, exit "Le Luc", coming from Toulon, Aix or Nice. A precise route will of course be communicated to you before your stay.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
5 145 210 1015 1260 50 oui


Swimming Pool
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