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Fabienne Nouguier
61 Grand Rue Vaysse Barthélémy


1 reviews

Price per night:

price from €60




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Description for B&B:

Somewhere between sea and mountain, in our beautiful Cathar country, Nostra Demora welcomes you every day of the year and offers you more breakfasts, share his table for a meal made of local products and tradition.
Fabienne and José wanted to give back to this place its splendor of yesteryear and revive through the themes of their rooms the historical past of this old hotel converted into Bed and Breakfast.

Description for Gite

Located in the Pays Cathare, in the town of Quillan, Nostra Demora offers 3 spacious and bright rooms that consist of two family and one triple.
All the necessary comfort awaits you there; Fabienne and José thought of everything.
No need to clutter baby crib, folding chair for child everything is there and no extra charge.


Appréciations pour Nostra Demora, Quillan:

Atmosphaire familiale avec Bonne cuisine - table d'hote
Review by: Susanne & Philipp, Aou 9 2019 4:05PM
Belle et propre chambre avec bonne salle de bain. Le couple de la chambre d'hote est aimable et gentil. Le monsieur fait de la tres bonne cuisine.
Response from property:
Bonsoir Suzanne et Philip, Nous vous remercions pour ce commentaire. Au plaisir de vous acceuillir chez Nostra Demora à nouveau! Cordialement. Nostra Demora

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Nostra Demora is located in downtown Quillan.
To come to us, just follow the sign downtown and at the second traffic light just after the bridge you turn left; at the end of the street is a large car park and a cinema; You are there.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Notes It's a triple room
Notes Those are rooms for four people.



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