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Christian Weibel
Le Château De La Grange


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price from €143





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Description for B&B:

Welcome to the Château de la Grange Moreau.

The Château de la Grange Moreau offers comfortable and elegantly decorated guest rooms for visitors wishing to stay in a relaxing setting.
Guests can enjoy the tranquility of the countryside while being close to the region's many tourist attractions.

The 11.5 hectare park is a true haven of peace, offering romantic walks, children's games and a variety of outdoor activities. With its century-old trees and relaxation areas ideal for meditation, the park is a perfect place to recharge your batteries and relax surrounded by nature.

The castle swimming pool is a true haven of relaxation. It measures 11 by 5 meters and was built in the old vegetable garden., thus offering a charming and picturesque setting. The old walls that surround it create an intimate and romantic atmosphere, ideal for a couple's getaway or a relaxing day with the family.

History lovers can consult the book which details more than 1000 years of the life of this place.
It is an essential place to relax, get some fresh air, enjoy the moment and discover the history and culture of France..
It is also possible to rent the castle with its park.

The castle is surrounded by beautiful green landscapes of the French countryside, providing opportunities for outdoor activities like hiking and cycling. It is also close to many other historical and cultural sites to explore in the area.

The Château de la Grange Moreau is located in Vallon-sur-Gée, in the Sarthe department in France. It is about 30km south of Le Mans, a historic town known for its motor racing circuit and the medieval buildings of its Cité Plantagenêt.

Description for Gite

Welcome to the Château de la Grange Moreau.

The Château de la Grange Moreau offers comfortable and elegantly decorated guest rooms for visitors wishing to stay in a relaxing setting.
Guests can enjoy the tranquility of the countryside while being close to the region's many tourist attractions.

The 11.5 hectare park is a true haven of peace, offering romantic walks, children's games and a variety of outdoor activities. With its century-old trees and relaxation areas ideal for meditation, the park is a perfect place to recharge your batteries and relax surrounded by nature.

The castle swimming pool is a true haven of relaxation. It measures 11 by 5 meters and was built in the old vegetable garden., thus offering a charming and picturesque setting. The old walls that surround it create an intimate and romantic atmosphere, ideal for a couple's getaway or a relaxing day with the family.

History lovers can consult the book which details more than 1000 years of the life of this place.
It is an essential place to relax, get some fresh air, enjoy the moment and discover the history and culture of France..
It is also possible to rent the castle with its park.

The castle is surrounded by beautiful green landscapes of the French countryside, providing opportunities for outdoor activities like hiking and cycling. It is also close to many other historical and cultural sites to explore in the area.

The Château de la Grange Moreau is located in Vallon-sur-Gée, in the Sarthe department in France. It is about 30km south of Le Mans, a historic town known for its motor racing circuit and the medieval buildings of its Cité Plantagenêt.


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Notes Exceptional guest rooms half an hour from Le Mans in a green setting.


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